Why I Write- Ariz

I want to first thank Ariz Brune for joining An Outsider’s Way! She kindly answered a question of mine which is posted below. Ariz writes Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. I just loved her signature  with also included Writing With Dreams and Magic.

You asked, “Why I write?” How else am I going to make the money I need to take over the world and achieve world domination?! Muahahahaha!
No, seriously though, I write for a few reasons.
One reason is that I absolutely enjoy the challenge that creativity brings. It’s not easy to come up with something no one has heard of before. When I was in school, I looked forward to the creative writing part of my assignments. Everyone else would groan and complain while I silently fist-pumped the air and squealed internally because I was going to actually have fun with my school work—especially if there were very few or no limitations to what I could write. Were they good stories then? Probably not, but that’s okay because I learned and grew from it.
Another purpose for my writing is an escape. I’m a reader first and foremost. I love to curl up with a good book, a drink nearby and get lost in the story. I love to feel what the characters feel. I want to see what they see, hear as they do, and so on. I want to provide that escape for someone else. If they’re having a bad day and need a break from the real world, I’ve got a story to help. If things are finally quiet and someone needs some “me time”, I’ve got a story. As bedtime rolls around and it’s time to unwind, yep, you guessed it, I’ve got a story.
Self-expression. Ha! That old cliché? Yes! That old cliché. Some people express themselves in their outer appearance, with music, painting, drawing, sculpting, designing, interior decorating, the way they walk, the way they talk. One of my methods is through the stories I write. I write paranormal romance and urban fantasy. I try to write characters so that you can see them as real. So far, each of them carries a piece of my personality. One may be witty, sarcastic, and playful where another is down to business. I have a character who is stand-offish in certain situations, but obnoxious in others. And honestly, its kind of fun to see who guesses what part of me correlates to which character.
I also write for my own sanity. Most authors have personal reasons for writing that they don’t talk about to many people. I have those, too. But I won’t bore you with the details. I’ll say that it’s a great stress relief to pour your heart and soul into your work. To know that you’ve turned negative feelings into something positive; there’s a bit of satisfaction in knowing you aren’t trapped by your circumstances. In the end, I guess it can circle back to writing is an escape.
-Ariz Brune
I enjoyed Ariz reasons of why she writes, if you liked it also you can find her on  social media!  She also just published GROUNDED: Book 2 of The Coverton Chronicles on Amazon!!  


People in Coverton are still coming up missing and Selby’s sister was one person too many. The rest of her family’s death is also a mystery to solve. She’s dedicated to one thing and one thing only. Family
She found allies reaching for a similar goal. That’s all. She doesn’t have time for friendship and love. The people she has on her side don’t understand it’s just business. The shifter who has his eyes on her doesn’t seem to get it.
Who has time for friends and romance when there’s an angry vampire to track, a nefarious company to shut down, and murders to solve?






Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ariz.brune.1

Author page: https://www.facebook.com/Author.ArizBrune/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/arizbrune

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArizBrune

Her Website can be found HERE!

You can e-mail her HERE! No spamming please.

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